Thursday, March 4, 2010

Where's The Heel?

OMG, did Stiletto Moody really create a pair of stilettos without heels? Can we still call stilettos, ’stillettos’ without the heel? Was there a prim shortage in SL I was not aware of? Perhaps the borrowers took the heels? Strangely, I find myself breaking into song /me sings “Oh where oh where has my high heel gone”, (sung to the tune of oh where oh where has my little dog gone)…

Recently, Victoria Beckham and Uma Thurman were amongst the first IRL to shock the world with heelless stilettos. These beautiful trendsetters started the trend in Rl and SL’s shoe Innovator, Stilletto Moody thought outside the box yet again to put her mark in SL by gracing us with what we want..before we even knew it existed. Season after season Stilletto Moody brings her own unique styling to SL. She is constantly making strides keeping SL abreast of whats hot in the foot business.

But guess what Victoria Beckham and Uma Thurman?

MY FEET WONT HURT! – come walk a mile in my Moodys!

Take a look at some of the buzz IRL about heelless heels…

DK – I think they’re totally cool! Anyone who’s ever tottered around in 5-inch stilettos knows that the heel provides only the bare minimum support anyway. You can see that the base of this shoe supports much farther back on the arch than a regular heel, so it probably wouldn’t be all that much less stable. It isn’t as though anyone’s gonna go hiking in them. I’d love to try a pair

S – These shoes are somewhat scary, yet I’m oddly attracted to them.

RC – I agree! Pretty cool for fashion photography

C – Awesome to look at

M – they do look cool

Marc Jacobs and Manolo Blahnik also introduced heelless stilettos which have created quite a stir. Pink Stiletto Shop - Rl, states that “fashionistas think these heelless shoes are fresh and new and they want to try them.”

One RL designer stated that the shoes are attractive because they force a woman to walk in a way that makes her look “quite dainty.”

Are you a trendsetter? If you are, you will feel an innate need to bring this new red carpet wonder to the streets of SL.

Fun Fact – Heelless stilettos peeked into the fashion scene in Italy in the 1950’s

Thursday, March 4th – Alexia Speizer ran out to get her first pair of heelless stilettos! Thanks Moody!