Thursday, March 4, 2010

Where's The Heel?

OMG, did Stiletto Moody really create a pair of stilettos without heels? Can we still call stilettos, ’stillettos’ without the heel? Was there a prim shortage in SL I was not aware of? Perhaps the borrowers took the heels? Strangely, I find myself breaking into song /me sings “Oh where oh where has my high heel gone”, (sung to the tune of oh where oh where has my little dog gone)…

Recently, Victoria Beckham and Uma Thurman were amongst the first IRL to shock the world with heelless stilettos. These beautiful trendsetters started the trend in Rl and SL’s shoe Innovator, Stilletto Moody thought outside the box yet again to put her mark in SL by gracing us with what we want..before we even knew it existed. Season after season Stilletto Moody brings her own unique styling to SL. She is constantly making strides keeping SL abreast of whats hot in the foot business.

But guess what Victoria Beckham and Uma Thurman?

MY FEET WONT HURT! – come walk a mile in my Moodys!

Take a look at some of the buzz IRL about heelless heels…

DK – I think they’re totally cool! Anyone who’s ever tottered around in 5-inch stilettos knows that the heel provides only the bare minimum support anyway. You can see that the base of this shoe supports much farther back on the arch than a regular heel, so it probably wouldn’t be all that much less stable. It isn’t as though anyone’s gonna go hiking in them. I’d love to try a pair

S – These shoes are somewhat scary, yet I’m oddly attracted to them.

RC – I agree! Pretty cool for fashion photography

C – Awesome to look at

M – they do look cool

Marc Jacobs and Manolo Blahnik also introduced heelless stilettos which have created quite a stir. Pink Stiletto Shop - Rl, states that “fashionistas think these heelless shoes are fresh and new and they want to try them.”

One RL designer stated that the shoes are attractive because they force a woman to walk in a way that makes her look “quite dainty.”

Are you a trendsetter? If you are, you will feel an innate need to bring this new red carpet wonder to the streets of SL.

Fun Fact – Heelless stilettos peeked into the fashion scene in Italy in the 1950’s

Thursday, March 4th – Alexia Speizer ran out to get her first pair of heelless stilettos! Thanks Moody!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Some of you know that changes occur IRl and things happen. Well guess what.... This SL girl about town is back and better than ever and I bought a few girls with me and we will be bringing you the best in SL. The new bloggers will be announced Jan 2010 for a new start and a new beginning. We have added new things to spark your mind and keep your attention. We will be working with veteren and new designers and still bringing you the best in SL. So stay tuned and I promise we'll be back!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Champagne anyone…

It was a beautiful sunny day. The birds chirped a little louder, the sun shined a little brighter, and the sounds of skirt bodices rustling, cameras snapping, and heels clicking on the newly polished wood floor seemed to be the only sounds that mattered. The champagne tickled my nose and I giggled during the toast. Forks clanged glass flutes and while wearing an amazing champagne colored wedding dress, I received an amazing champagne scented kiss. As I was ushered onto the floor to throw the bouquet the gentle breeze from my movements made the skirt gently sway as if it were still dancing the waltz to the four-piece quartet. I prepared to throw the bouquet so I adjusted the delicate layers that made up the bodice. “Wow”, I thought to myself, “now that’s the most gorgeous part of the dress… layer after layer of amazingly textured fabric pressed snuggly and perfectly against my skin. I feel like a princess!” I twirled around and with a toss of my arm... I let the bouquet soar through the air while wearing my...

Chloe Wedding dress by MYTH.

About the featured designer...

Aeris Pinazzo is HOT. Not only did she make my wedding dress but she also made the outfit worn at the Mr. Virtual World Finale by Liam Netizen Mr. Virtual World 2009. Aeris Pinazzo is the designer behind the MYTH brand. Aeris is 25 IRL and will be celebrating her RL birthday and the birthday off MYTH on August 1st :) Happy early birthday MYTH! Okay so we know that Aeris is a designer in SL, well IRL she is going into her 4th year in her graphics design degree... now that HOT! You can find Mrs. Aeris Pinazzo and MYTH at MYTH MAINSTORE and SHOPPING DISTRICT.

I have shared a little about Aeris so let throw a little bit of Alexia into the mix and leave you with a yummy treat. So Aeris's dress made me think of champagne and most of you know I am Cuban so I figured I would combine the two and leave you with a yummy treat that is your to tickle your nose like the champagne did on my wedding*pops the champagne cork*

Basic Mimosa Recipe
Prep Time: 5 minutes
•Champagne (1 bottle)
•Orange Juice (1 carton)
Fill half of a champagne flute with chilled champagne and top off with chilled orange juice, gently stir. For added flare, slice up a strawberry to decorate the rim of each flute. Enjoy!

This is your SL GIRL ABOUT TOWN and thats a wrap!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

So like its totally me Alexia Speizer your SL PARTY GIRL! Nevertheless, this girl loves a few other things just as much as a good party...SHOPPING, MODELING, EXPLORING and in RL I am in school for education so I have to throw in LEARNING NEW THINGS!

Not only am I your SL PARTY GIRL, I am also your SL GIRL ABOUT TOWN bringing you WHATS HOT and if it’s horrible enough maybe I will share WHATS NOT, but I don’t really like to be mean :)

What I will do is take you on a fun and amazing journey through SL celebrating with you this amazing metaverse. Don't know what SL is? OMG like you totally better go to and check out the place that bringing together thousands of people from around the world.

I will discuss SLnew releases, SLtop designers, SLtop events, SLlearning trends, SLtop stories, SLtop places and anything else that this SL GIRL ABOUT TOWN can bring you. If you want more detailed in world information on what’s hot be sure to check out TheBOSL - that’s The Best of SL Magazine! This Blog is not part of BOSL, however I do work for BOSL and in this blog I will bring you SL from this "SL GIRL ABOUT TOWN'S" Perspective.

I guarantee you that all photos & writing in this blog will be that of your SL GIRL ABOUT TOWN because hey if you can’t do it right...then don’t do it at all! If there is something in world that you would like me to see or review, drop me a line at